Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

Indonesia Ranked fourth in the World Facebook fans

SEMARANG - Master of Communication Studies Program yesterday Undip hold a public lecture with Prof M Alwi Dahlan, a professor of Communication Science from the University of Indonesia (UI). Its theme is taken on the Development of Communication and Information Technology. Like what?

FISIP UI professor was describing the technology developed so rapidly in Indonesia. "As the use of facebook, this time in Indonesia there are 14 million people, or is ranked fourth in the world as a facebook user. And the most that is to save the image, every week millions of photos stored on facebook. This makes our personal photo copyrights switch to facebook, "he said, in the court room floor of a building rector of the Graduate Undip Pleburan, Semarang, yesterday.

According to him, Indonesia has much to be in the technology culture of the Information Society. Vote against the arrival of technology, until now still be audible, like the fatwa that forbids facebook, protest against the threatened tatasusila internet, youth, law enforcement or religious teachings.

In fact, developments in technology especially the internet itself is very influential on the development of the information we dapatkan.Bahkan internet today also took aim from various groups. From lower class to upper class.

"The names of famous scholars and nanny schools, as well as educators, businessmen, officials, even the President was listed as a user of twitter, facebook, LinkedIn," he said.

Indramayu laborers were poor fishermen, he added, many of which use the phone, to help smooth the communication process. This is an extraordinary developments in technology.

In today's technological developments, Alwi exemplifies technological developments could bring a legal case as a case of Prita. Social communication which originally existed only limited between friends, it can be treated as an act of defamation in public through the mass media. "This is one of the outpouring of the heart (vent) that had occurred in the ordinary social group to social group is more powerful in this regard is supported by the mass media and information technology ea with a much higher speed and global reach of Internet-supported," he said .

Change the fundamental dynamics of communication, have not been understood by many parties, including by those who engaged in the communications and information. "The reaction to the posting party infotainment Luna Maya on twitter, also the case of Mario, and the last and the more distant RPM Multimedia Content from the Ministry of Communications and Informatics. All are considered as a threat to press freedom and the problems, rather than the more examination in light of the freedom that should belong to society, "said the person who first holds a doctoral degree in communications in Indonesia.

Major changes, and then will drive the convergence of media, and the subsequent convergence of communication antarpelaku (audience and communicator).

All started from a field of technology "disliked" by the observer of human communication, but it should be understood to understand the changes in communication that is and will happen. Participants public lecture was attended by students S1 and S2 of Communication Sciences and also of the general population, which numbered 150 people. The event, opened by the Chairman of the Masters Program in Communication Sciences Dr Undip Sunarto. (Susilo himawan) (SI Newspapers / Newspaper SI / rhs)

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